Tuesday, April 8, 2008


So here are the storyboards for (heart)Beat. I definitely settled into a color palette after the first page, so ignore the colors on the first page. Take a gander:


Anonymous said...

Wow I like some of the colors that you are using. Be careful with the bird growing up really fast while dancing that could be hard to interpret or read. Other than that I really like your idea.

d said...

Your storyboards are really colorful. It was fun reading through it. I'm interested to see how the animation turns out. :)

toddhopp said...

What a fun idea! I really dig the color choices. It's simple and interesting and looks possible to animate in a decent amount of time. Good luck and I can't wait to see more!

Lauren Sparks said...

aw, that's awesome! i love the whole premise, and what happens to it. can't wait to see it animated!