Monday, April 7, 2008

Animation Proposal

Well, since I'm still learning Flash, I'm going to try and go for something rather simplistic in motion, but impressive in style.

My story goes as follows:


•Baby bird in egg feels mother's heartbeat.
•Zoom out to reveal that the mother's heartbeat is actually a subwoofer, belting out dance music.
•Bird hatches, blind, and cuddles up to subwoofer.
•Zoom out further to reveal that bird and subwoofer are balanced precariously on roof of patio over a raucous dance party.
•Months pass – day to night, night to day – and the little bird grows to love his “mother's” heartbeat music. At first bobbing his head, then dancing, flapping his wings.
•Grown bird tests his wings, flapping to the music, before fluttering to the dance floor accidentally.
•The dancers stop to look at the fallen bird and the music stops.
•Bird struggles to his feet, looking around at the dancers, scared.
•Meekly, he opens his beak, belting out the song where it left off. The dancers resume.
Relatively simple. Now, the impressive part is that I would like to incorporate heavy texture, such as different kinds of paper, to give the animation a cutout kind of feel.

Now the hard part is executing it.

Here's a concept sketch of adolescent Bird:

1 comment:

Mike R. said...

Cool story Ashlee! I think the idea would work great, and is evidently since the animation you've posted looks good so far. Can't wait to see more!