Salutations! And welcome to the blog!
I'm Ashlee Perkins, originally of Merrimack, New Hampshire - a small New England town where we readily accept Canadian currency. Now, however, I've ventured out of my igloo to attend the Savannah College of Art and Design, where I am in my Junior year of studying animation.
I have a 2D focus, and would like to pursue traditional/digital cel animation as a career. Also, I am fascinated by storyboarding and pre-production work for animation, so I have a Storyboarding minor and have considered doing layout as a career.
I was inspired to pursue animation as a child, watching mostly classic Disney movies and (now-classic) 90s Nickelodeon cartoons. These animations really shaped my childhood, and I would love to do the same for a younger generation.
The Lion King really shaped my love for animation as a child, and I often go as so far to say that this movie has got me where I am today. As a child, I studied the drawings frame by frame to learn how animation worked, and later wrote my admissions essay on the animation of The Lion King. Naturally, I was thrilled to have Professor Phil Young teach my Animation I class, and I kind of idolize him. Too bad he moved to Montana.
Since coming to SCAD however, I've really developed a love for the more loose, abstract style of animation. I truly feel that animation has a lot of capabilities that have rarely been tapped, and I would love to attempt to broaden the field of animation in my career work. A friend and I have been developing a darker, edgier story that we'd love to produce someday, which I feel is the beginning of this "broadening process". Too often animation is labeled as "kids stuff", and I would love to bring it to a wider audience.
More later!
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